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Saturday, May 21, 2011


I just got done with babysitting tonight. I had a great time. The only thing that wasnt fun, was when the 2 year old kept crying and waking up so I had to watch her for another 2 hours. It was so much fun other wise. We played a tangled game (the five yr old  is obsessed) And an ice skating game. I gave them baths read them stories, and other classic babysitting stuff.then I washed the dishes, swept and picked it up nicer than it was before. great way to get called again. The 5 yr old (i think she is six) Is so sweet to me. She old her parents I am the best babysitter EVER! And tonight when she was going to sleep, and I was snuggling because she couldnt fall asleep, she said 'the words'. you knpw the 3 magical words that change everything. And no, I am not talking about 'I hate you', but the complete oppisite. I love you. And for a 5/6 year old to say that melts me. In a good way, of course.those three words are critical. I am happy that I mean something to the girl, but what if i dont get called back, you know.What if I never see her again. how would she feel. I am talking like I am in a relationship. So sappy. It is just hard to imagine what is going through her pretty little head all the time. I dont know. well I am going to go to bed. thanks for reading. If you have any ideas, tips, concerns, etc. please leave a comment or email me or whatever. Night!

                                                                                              Love, your babysitting Blogger,


  1. Audrey, your thoughts are very mature, more mature than a 12yr old! Dont worry about your Uncle he will be fine! Take care! Somehow I dont know you but I do care for you! If you are so young take care of yourself!

  2. Oh and to add to it the baby gave me a Baby kiss. It was gross but sweet. Thank you ashwini!
