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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I don't Know What to Expect. . .

This weekend as you know I am at my dad's house, and going camping. This will most likely be my last post before I get back. I am not really looking forward to it, but on the other hand I am. It will be easy to be by myself, hopefully, and I love the forest. there has always been that eeriness of forests that attract me to them. I have grown up looking out my back window, or over my fenced backyard, see dense forest, with big ever-green trees. I could hear the river rushing just past the first layer of forest. It is like a whole other world there, a peaceful place, that I can always feel welcome. There is just something about how this world works, that amazes me. And I know, that for the most part, humans are lazy. We could live, and wouldn't be worrying about obesity, money, health, and sucj as much, if we could just work harder. Cars are a wonderful invention, don't get me wrong, but they make us lazy. Nowadays people go hunting for fun, and dispose of everything afterwards, when other animals need food. But, it is always been pulsing in the back of my mind, about how much we have grown, yet shrunk, in the past couple centuries. Bu back to my main topic, this weekend will be horrible, from what has happened recently. My father came and picked me up after he finished his job. And in the car, within 1 minute of being there he was already driving me insane. And especially tonight, when I had eaten a really late dinner, and so I didn't eat when I got here. He was so persistent on making me stay in there to 'talk'. When, I knew the talk would lead to something about a funny story Becca (step mom) has to tell, or something ridiculous. It was just weird how, still after everyone but my father and Becca had finished eating, he kept saying, come in here, be social. and again I told him time after time, that I was kind of in the middle of something. I don't know why these things drive me over the edge but they do.
But really I cam here tp post my last post untill i get back from camping. Have a nice weekend

                                                                        Love, your Blogger,

1 comment:

  1. njoy at ur dads place. i love forests and green too. was in new jersey last spring and i loved the beautiful country side. happy weekend dear. allz fine here. hugs to u.
